Holy crap! There has been sun the last few days and I think my body is about ready to explode from vitamin D. The boys and I have been spending almost every available second enjoying the outdoors. These weather is making my crave a whole lotta land out in the country. I CANNOT wait until we can move out of suburbia and enjoy our own slice of acreage heaven. (Just another year, just another year, just another year, Dear God, just another year PLEASE!). All in all though, it will be a little bittersweet moving out of this neighborhood. We have make some great friends and I love that there are kids for my kids to play with. But darn it, I want goats, and chickens, and a huge garden and I want my boys to have room to roam and get messy. OH! I want a mini-pony and a piggie too :)
Before the boys come charging down the stairs ( I can hear them waking up now), I should give a quick update. Monster has weaned himself :( and! he no longer sleeps in the crib. I have taken it down and am preparing myself to post it on craigslist. They grow up so darn fast. Luckily, I have surrounded myself with fertile lady friends and I have an abundance of babies to pick from when I need a little baby time (this sounds slightly creepy. Sorry!).
Bean is still a giant. He is like those really big dogs that thinks they are lap dog size. He jumps around on you, thinking he weights A LOT less than he does. I have the bruises to prove it. His love of dinosaurs is starting to wean. He is into power rangers, super heros, etc. Normal boy stuff. He has this invisible friend named, Loker. He never plays with Loker (at least they never play when I am around) but has these great stories about what he and Loker do together. Its truly fascinating. Loker is the same color as Bean but his momma and daddy are brown. Loker is sometimes 5, sometimes 13.
This weekend, we had our first foster kid after a 4 year break. and a teenager at that. 13 year old boy. We survived! They eat a lot. A LOT. 13 is a strange age. 13 year olds are still kids but wanting, yearning to be treated like older teenagers. Not sure I am ready for all that drama. He did a great job and I think he really liked sword fighting with the boys, especially Brandon. Kids really like husband. Its one of my favorite qualities about husband.
This week, Bean leaves for a week long vacation on the east coast with Aunt Susie. He is very excited and has been counting down the days for a while now. I remember when I was younger and got to vacation at Aunt Susie's house. I can't believe that it is already Bean's turn to do this. She always planned the best activities. My whole family is truly blessed to have an Aunt Susie in our lives. Really, every family would benefit from having an Aunt Susie.