Monster has been waking up to eat around 4:30 am the last few days, weeks, months. Who knows, it's all a blur. The majority of the time I am unable to fall back to sleep. I start thinking about what needs to be done, what I could be doing with this time so I eventually crawl out of bed and get my coffee. Despite being exhausted by 7:00pm, I LOVE getting up this early once I get going. The house is quiet and I get a few hours to MYSELF! No husband, no babies. Just me, my coffee, and maybe some chores.
My toast is done now, so goodbye blog, it's time for me to catch up with Teen Mom (yes, I already know I am awesome).
I love getting up early too. There is something so serene and peaceful in the morning when nobody has stirred. I love to go on my runs early in the morning. It's great "me" time without the distractions and hustle and bustle of the day. Screw the chores! I think it should be "Amelia Time".