Let us do a quick recap and get everyone up to speed:
Bean is almost 4
Bean loves dinosaurs and can tell you amazing facts about them. He can identify and correctly name numerous types of dinosaurs.
Bean enjoys dictating stories for me to write in his journal
Monster is almost 18 months
He says more, water, Mama, Dada, no, up and is learning signs
His green blanket is his favorite thing in the world
Monster is fiercely independent yet a huge mama's boy
He is very opinionated
We are a few weeks away from becoming certified treatment foster parents
We are still homeschooling and plan on keep homeschooling
Husband is still working and loving his job
We bought a van (gag) and are actually starting to like it (double gag)
I'm sure there are so many more things I could mention but my mind is fuzzy this early in the morning despite being almost done with my cup of coffee. Sometimes I really wish I would allow myself to have two cups a day....
Today is library day. We do to the library at least once a week. This is an adventure that Bean really looks forward too. He likes to decide what types of books to get. He is finally comfortable walking up to the librarian and asking where he could find the books he wants. Monster spends his library time attempting to break out of his prison (stroller). Once he is finally freed he runs around like a crazy man, screeching, climbing, pulling books of the shelf, etc. He is a tornado of chaos.
As difficult as Monster makes this trip to the library (I am almost always sweating by the end of the trip from stress and the exercise of keeping up with Monster), I also look forward to library day. I love picking out my books (mostly home school books with a couple Sookie Stackhouse novels. What a guilty pleasure). Between all three of us, we bring home WAY to many books. It is just so hard to say no to a good looking book. I also don't want to deny the kids books. I love that they want to read and learn so why deny them a book they want? Luckily the car is never parked to far away because the book bag is pretty damn heavy by the time we leave.
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