Things are still going wonderfully in our world. Screech is still doing well here. No behaviors we can't handle and in all honesty, they are all age appropriate behaviors (getting upset at times when he doesn't like a direction, etc). I keep reminding myself the honeymoon isn't over yet but as the days past I am finding myself wondering if, by the grace of God, we got the most well behaved kid in need of therapeutic foster care. The few instances of inappropriate touch were quickly handled with safety concern (playing with books or puzzles by himself for an hour) and he is very motivated to stay off safety concern. He loves having tv/game time so he tries very hard to earn his poker chips. Kid also LOVES earning chore money. It's awesome! My chore load is decreased. It's a beautiful thing when someone else actually wants to clean all the toilets in the house :)
5 hours later...
It's like Monster has a special sensor that goes off whenever I am taking a few minutes for myself and he has to come wreck havoc on whatever I am doing *shakes head*. He is a different breed.
Anyway, I had to transplant a zucchini plant a couple days ago. One vegetable bed is packed to the extreme. It looks like a jungle.

So I have learned a great deal about gardening this summer. The number one thing being don't grow all your squashy viney plants in the same bed. They take up way to much space to live happily together. And really, a family of five does not require 4-5 pumpkin plants. It's kinda overkill.
On a completely different note, I have created an outstanding bread recipe in the last week or so. We eat it up supe quick. I feel like I am making a new loaf every other day. It is so light, fluffy, and tasty.
Here is the recipe:
One cup milk
Two tablespoons butter
Two tablespoons sugar
One and a half teaspoons salt
Two cups all purpose flour
One cup whole wheat flour
Two and one fourth teaspoon yeast
Put in bread machine according to manufacturers directions. Let machine to the mixing. My bread machine takes about 30 minutes to mix and knead everything. Grease bread pan, put dough onto bread pan after the machine is done doing the dirty work. Let rise in a warm spot for an hour or so. Preheat oven to 350. After bread is done rising, brush melted butter on the top and bake for about 30 minutes.
Sweet bread perfection... Enjoy!

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