Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Leaf Art

   It is officially fall and I am excited. I love all seasons. My favorite time of the year is when one season is ending and the other is beginning. I like change. Consistency is boring.
   To help celebrate fall and to do some fun crafts, the kids and I decided to do some leaf art. Leaf art is simple, cheap, and messy which is a winning combination when you have two young kids.
   Step one: Find leaves that have already fallen from the trees. This is a great time to talk about evergreen trees and deciduous trees ( case you forgot evergreen trees don't loose their leaves but deciduous trees do. Play "guess that tree" and see if the kids can identify if it is evergreen or deciduous. You just mixed science with art. BAM! Two birds, one stone). Once you have a good selection of leaves you may move on to step 2.
Number 1 and 2 showing off their leaves
   Step 2: Round up your supplies (paint, paint brushes, paper, sponges, wet rags, dry rags, tons of rags. I find that putting paint on a paper plate makes clean up a lot faster. Yes, I know not very eco-friendly of me but I fear that if I do not dispose of the paint quickly enough little hands will find a way to make a masterpiece all over the walls...and furniture...and animals) and cover/remove any things that should not get paint on them that are within paint flinging distance.
Artfully placed paint supplies
   Step 3: Place leaf of your choice on paper, and sponge/brush paint around the border of the leaf

   Step 4: This is the extra credit step, the advanced step if you are feeling extra saucy. Place a little paint on the side of the "veiny" side of the leaf. You know, the side that has some texture. Once it has been painted, press it back on your leaf print to give your paper leaf a little extra dimension (are you digging my artsy terminology?)
Spicy leaf full of dimension 
   Step 5: Rinse and repeat until your anxiety about paint getting everywhere is over overwhelming or the kids have lost interest. Number 1 and 2 did a few leaf prints before going off and freestyle painting. 
Number 2 painting his leaf
Number 1
Number 1's super impressive leaf

Number 1 was anti this activity for a while and did not want to participate for a few minutes but once he realized it involved taking his shirt off and getting messy he was stoked. The kids made a page upon page upon page of art that is now drying in the kitchen and I am sure they are going to insist that every picture hang on the wall. I'm off to find some walls space. Until next time, friends!

PS. This post was apart of The Shabby Nest Friday link up ( and frugally sustainable Wednesday blog hop

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