Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello, good-bye

Monster started waving yesterday. It's so cute my head wants to explode. He had a shitty night the night before and I was grouchy...really grouchy. He must have known it because he crawled over to me, raised his little arm, and waved. My heart melted like a pack of crayons left on a hot stove. That took my grouch away...for a few minutes at least.
Monster is also walking like crazy. I'm pretty sure that babies learning how to walk are way cuter than kittens. It's also ridiculously entertaining to watch, especially if you put shoes in him. If you put shoes on him, he kicks his leg out when he takes a step, almost like he is trying to shake the shoe off. This eventually throws him off balance resulting in a tumble to the ground.
We got Bean a bunk bed a few weeks ago. This child gets endless delight out of his bunk bed. He spends 75% of his time on his bed. All he wants to do is play on it. He likes that he can choose which bed to sleep on at night. He likes to jump off the top (scares the shit out of me).
When we got the new bed, we had to take him to pick out some new sheets. We showed him all these bright and bold colors-blue, green, pink, purple, orange. He wanted dark brown. WTH?! Dark brown?! What a strange three year old he is...

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