Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Monster is sleeping through the night the majority of the time. PRAISE THE LORD! It is amazing how beautiful the world becomes when you get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. He has also discovered phones. If he sees a phone, he will put it to his ear and start to "talk" into it. The other day, he did this and was saying, "dada, dada, dada". He will also point the remote at the tv. He does this a lot when I am watching one of my shows. Interesting....
We took the boys to the BIG TRUCK SHOW on Saturday. Monster had a mohawk. It was pretty damn awesome. Bean enjoyed looking at the trucks but did not want to go into any of them. We got tons of great pictures of Adrian riding in trucks though. I may attempt to post some of the pictures later when I have had more coffee. My favorite part of the BIG TRUCK SHOW was the firefighters. They were, hands down, the highlight of it. I love firefighters.
The kids got hand, foot, and mouth disease this weekend. This is Bean's second time with it. YUCK! It didn't seem to bother him at all. He did complain about the rash (or owies, as he calls them) hurting him a bit. Both boys are covered with it. Monster's rash is mostly on his tushie though. Sad day...

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